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Small Business… Help is on the way

In large businesses, you often see something called outsourcing.  Outsourcing is when large corporations strategize to keep their resources focused in the areas that they do best and outsource the rest to businesses that have an expertise in that area.  For example, a company may hire a Human Resources firm to handle all their HR, rather than have a whole department dedicated to that area.

I know firsthand that small business can be so much more than the very thing you’re trying to be in business for.  For myself, social media is something I have to outsource.  Thankfully, I have a great social media company, SEO Kenosha.

But as a small business, with limited resources, I cannot outsource all the areas of my business.  Hiring a Professional Organizer can be an affordable way to outsource some aspects of your business and allow you to focus on what’s important.

What does a Professional Organizer offer to small business:

  • Administrative Assistance (especially while you’re looking to replace or hire in this area)
  • File Organization
  • Systems Set up
  • Space Optimization & Office Aesthetic
  • Cleaning & Organizing

Since Professional Organizers have their own business, there are no complexities such as adding them to payroll or benefits.  It is simply hiring a business to do some work for you for a specified amount of time.

As always, if you need help reimagining and/or organizing any of your spaces, or help with your small business, Midwest Organizing is here for you!

Small Business Help